Thursday, February 19, 2009

Your Pusher Man

With the looming art show in my future I can only wonder how I have managed to get this far in any sort of creative medium. Granted this is just a local art show featuring local talent I have seemingly achieved more than even some art school drop outs have achieved(only those students who have endeavored to attain their diploma have gone to heights farther than I have).

I shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth though. It will run faster than any horse I have personally owned not that I've ever owned any before now but the point is still valid. Something is more than nothing in essence.

I am most excited to illicit some reaction out of people whether it is negative or otherwise. I live for the emotion people emanate from their core when something stirs them up. It is the whole reason I got into theater and hopefully will be the reason I continue on with my art.

Emotion is the cheapest high in the world. The mere action of perceiving something can create a varying array of change in people's psyches. Sadness, anger, happiness, even hunger can all be sublimated with the right stimuli.

We live to feel and hold emotion on a golden throne. Love is blessed and worshiped, anger is wretched and condemned. One could even assume all illegal substances are taken to emulate the intense feelings of joy or mania often associated with pleasure or pain.

Of course this is all inference and I am only as infallible as any other person but it gives me reason all the same to make and produce art. Your nature serves my nature so let me get you something.

Let me be your pusherman.

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